Wood Pellets 10kg


This is the official Uuni Premium Wood Pellet and comes in a 10kg bag. The pellets light up easily, burn efficiently and produce very little ash waste

One bag of pellets will last for a good 7-10 hours of continuous cooking. And you can get the first pizza done with just 300g of pellets. The pellets are ‘food safe’ and suitable to use in Uuni ovens as well as other pellet grills and barbecues.

Technical features:

6mm diameter
Stem only, mixed, virgin wood
Ash content: ≤0.7%
Moisture content: <10%
Calorific value: 4.8KWhr/kg
Important: Please store pellets in a warm, dry place (and not a garden shed) – the pellets suck in moisture from the air and this affects their performance.

0 out of 5


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  • Donec auctor sapien vel ornare efficitur.
  • Aliquam pellentesque neque sed tortor faucibus, a ullamcorper justo tempor.
  • Vivamus pretium urna vitae interdum mattis.
  • Sed pretium leo eget est aliquam, sed aliquam ligula rhoncus.
  • Nullam sed risus fringilla, porta libero eu, ultrices nulla.

Additional information



Shipping Weight:

900 g




Jessica Moore


10,5 x 21 x 10 cm




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